Sam Wild is a Commercial Spearo, Paua diver, Marine Biologist & incredible underwater photographer who has worked with the likes of South Seas Spearos, Pure Salt & Spiky Gold, to name a few. Sam’s photography speaks for its self & has managed to capture some pretty bloody epic footage of what goes on under the water that we Fishos’ don’t always get to see!
So here are 5 of Sam’s Salty Essentials that he needs to get the job done.
As a diver who spends work in the water year-round, it has become clear just how important it is to stay warm both before and after your dive. If you start your day cold before you even get in the water, you’re going to stay cold, and if i am cold, I can’t work efficiently, so that’s why I always have my JAF Merino Sweater on hand keep the carcass wrapped up.
A good quality beanie is an underrated part of any divers arsenal. Not only does the beanie help to hold onto the heat that you would lose out of the noggin, its also a great protector for our ears. Divers are super susceptible to getting Surfers Ear which is where our ear canals calcify when exposed to the wet and cold so that’s why the JAF Merino Beanie is always close by as soon as I get out of the water.
A product I developed with the help of some of New Zealand top Spearo’s, these top their high pressure floats are something I won’t leave for a dive without. Not only are they a massive asset in regards to safety with the crazy numbers of boats out on the water these days, you also want one of these attached to your gear in case the big one pops up. The last decent fish hooked up to a MAHI float was an unexpected 54kg Southern Bluefin Tuna out in Fiordland.
My work uniform is made out of neoprene and when you are spending massive hours in the water either filming, commercial diving or commercial spearfishing, I need to keep as warm and comfortable as possible to keep me working. Compromise on quality is not something I can afford.
The world can be a tough enough place for a ginger, leta’ alone when you’re in the sun on the sea so I make sure I keep my pasty face out of the sun whenever its shining on the briny
You can follow Sam Wilds Adventures here: