We are rarely told through life to appreciate the process. Much of our successes in life are due to the time, effort, and preparation to achieve success or reach our "North Haven"

There's an old saying; the more you practice, the luckier you get. In our case, the preparation and journey to get to our fishing spots, is not just a means to an end, but an integral part of the experience. It increases our chances of catching a fish and feeding ourselves, our friends, and our whanau. Because fishing is called fishing - not catching.

Appreciating the journey means taking the time to reflect. It's about the planning, the effort, and the memories that will last a lifetime. These experiences bring us closer to those who matter most. It's not about the number of fish you catch, because there are always more fish in the sea. It's about the memories you create along the way that will bring a smile to your face for years to come.

Our summer 2024 campaign, set in our North Haven, Northland, New Zealand, is a celebration of our shared journey. It's about the preparation, the effort, and the memories we make. And you, our audience, are at the heart of it. Our quality Fisherman’s and Lifestyle apparel is now available online and in-store and is not just clothing. It's a symbol of your commitment to the journey and the memories you make.

Special thanks to
📸 Matt Queree ~ mattqueree.com
🎣 Anglers ~ Murray Wootten, William lomas, Jeremy Coombes